Cloud Migration

Best-in-Class Cloud Migration and Microsoft 365 Services

Seamless Transition to the Cloud and Microsoft 365 for Enhanced Productivity

At ITIQ, we specialise in delivering best-in-class services for cloud migration and moving to Microsoft 365, empowering businesses to unlock the full potential of cloud computing and modern productivity tools. Our team of experts combines deep expertise in cloud migration strategies and Microsoft technologies to ensure a seamless transition, enabling organisations to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and boost productivity. Partner with us to experience a smooth and efficient journey to the cloud and Microsoft 365.

Case Study

Diocese Of Guildford

Times have changed and the need for a dynamic workspace is greater than ever. The Diocese wanted to facilitate hotdesking, and changing work patterns meant the existing ‘phone system – primarily comprising desk phones – no longer met the mobility requirements of the Diocese…

Comprehensive Cloud and Azure Solutions

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    Cloud Readiness Assessment; Our experienced consultants conduct a thorough analysis of your current IT infrastructure, applications, and business requirements. We assess your readiness for cloud migration and identify potential challenges and opportunities. Based on the assessment, we develop a tailored cloud migration strategy that aligns with your objectives and minimises disruption to your business operations.

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    Cloud Migration Planning and Execution; We develop a comprehensive migration plan, outlining key milestones, data migration strategies, and application re-platforming or re-architecting requirements. Our team leverages industry best practices and proven methodologies to ensure a smooth transition to the cloud. We handle the complexities of infrastructure migration, application migration, and data migration, ensuring minimal downtime and data integrity throughout the process.

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    Hybrid Cloud Integration; If you prefer a hybrid cloud approach, we seamlessly integrate your existing infrastructure with cloud services, enabling you to leverage the benefits of both on-premises and cloud environments. Our experts design and implement hybrid cloud solutions that provide flexibility, scalability, and data synchronisation between your existing systems and cloud platforms. This approach allows you to optimise resource utilisation, enhance security, and achieve a seamless user experience.

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    Microsoft 365 Migration and Adoption; Moving to Microsoft 365 unlocks a world of productivity and collaboration. We facilitate a smooth transition to Microsoft 365 by planning and executing the migration of your emails, documents, and other data to the cloud. Our experts ensure the seamless integration of Microsoft 365 services, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Teams, with your existing infrastructure. We also provide user training and adoption support to help your teams make the most of Microsoft 365’s powerful productivity tools.

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    Post-Migration Support and Optimisation; Our commitment to your success extends beyond the migration process. We provide post-migration support to address any issues, optimise performance, and fine-tune configurations. Our team conducts regular health checks, monitors usage patterns, and provides proactive recommendations to ensure your cloud environment and Microsoft 365 deployment continue to meet your evolving needs.

“My purpose in founding ITIQ is to help small and medium-size organisations, commercial, professional and non-profit, compete effectively with much larger entities able to harness, at scale, the benefits of the digital revolution.”

Ben Summerfield – CEO
Why Choose ITIQ for Cloud Migration and Microsoft 365?
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    Expertise and Experience; With our deep expertise in cloud migration and Microsoft technologies, we have the knowledge and experience to deliver successful cloud migration projects.

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    Tailored Solutions; We understand that every organisation has unique requirements. Our solutions are customised to meet your specific needs and business objectives.

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    Proven Methodologies; We follow industry best practices and proven methodologies to ensure a seamless and efficient migration process.

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    Data Security and Compliance; We prioritise data security and compliance throughout the migration process, ensuring your sensitive information is protected and meets industry regulations.

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    User Adoption and Training; We provide user adoption support and training to help your teams embrace Microsoft 365 and maximise their productivity and collaboration potential.

Microsoft 365 & Modern Workplace
Microsoft Azure & Cloud
Microsoft Teams & Telephony

Contact us today and take your business to new levels of efficiency

Ready to take your business to new levels of efficiency with a cloud-first approach and unwavering support? Contact our team today for a consultation.